Without moving to a new home, I seem to have set off a cascade of smaller changes which resulted in every single object in my home being moved to another location within my home.

Add to that that this morning my husband and I awoke to the sound of small crunching sounds coming from the wall that separates our bedroom from my garage workshop. Meaning, we suspect, that at least one mouse has come in from the cold and is seeking shelter among my doll items out in the garage.

As you’ll see soon, this is somewhat ironic (at least, I think irony is the right word). But, more immediately, it’s very unsettling and we’ll now also have to move everything in the garage to figure out where the little critters are getting in.

This is all to say that there may not be a ton of plot advancement in the next few weeks. In the meantime, here’s the whole crew (and then some) in their new bookcase location.

Here’s the first bookcase.

From left to right, top to bottom, the occupants are:

Camellia and Rodanthe, along with a teddy bear I made for Rosie (which turned out to be laughably too big for her). Rodanthe was a cheap ($35) first foray into ball joint dolls, just to see if I liked them (I did). Camellia, along with Colette (who’s down one shelf) was supposed to star in the Underfoot story, but they ended up having the wrong vibe. They may show up in a third (hopefully, final!) project about a group of girls in a treehouse.

Daisy and Annie you already know.

And here’s the Underfoot cast (minus the last cast member still to arrive. I think the three of them look great together – I’m really happy with the way that cast is starting to gel.

Here’s a mix of dolls, deep in discussion. Lily you already know. The large doll, on the right, is Amy (from Iplehouse). She’s the first cast member in the treehouse story. I’ve never agonized about buying a doll they way I agonized about her. I loved her, I didn’t like her at all, and on and on back and forth. When she arrived, I was still in deep throes of doubt, which continued right up until the moment I started photographing her.

In photographs, more than in person, she has exactly the affect I was hoping she’d have – curious, being pulled forward to investigate, but still a little cautious. Plus, she kind of grabs the camera’s attention, which is a good thing, because the rest of the (potential) cast mates for that story are camera hogs.

Colette, here with Amy and above in the bookcase shot, has the reverse effect. In person, she’s full of character and quite sassy, but the camera picks up something else altogether. She seems kind of dazed and sort of melts into the background. She looks great with Amy, though, so it’s possible she’ll still make it into a story. If not, she’s absolutely fine as a doll without having to star in a graphic novel.

Rosie and Fetch, you know. Here she is with her playmate Madeline. For a doll with barely any features, Madeline is fantastically expressive, and she and Rosie are a good mix. She was sleeping over the night that Rosie got kidnapped by the fairies, but all of the best shots were angled too high to show her in her sleeping bag on the floor.

The last doll in this bookcase is the lovely and thoughtful Rosemary doll – Rosie’s doll self. She’s underused in the story – I just can’t think of a graceful way to insert her.

Next bookcase:

Camellia, along with my Moana doll, who you may see soon in story.

My two male dolls, commiserating about having to work with a female photographer who refuses to write full roles for them.

Two of my bigger girls – BBgirl and China doll – along with a small Pullip doll. The stuffed bunny was yet another attempt to make a toy for Rosie, and again it was laughably large.

My poseable anime doll, posed in front of the full size version of the painting in Rosie’s room.

Blythe, hanging out with a fantatic Goodwill find. I’ve thought about continuing an adventure just around Rosie and her dream spaces. If so, this monkey is going to make it into it.

And finally a set of dolls from Conchy Gem Dolls on Etsy. Like Colette, this doll looks amazing but doesn’t photograph well. Which is just fine by her.

And there they all are, waiting for their next adventure.