Mid-adventure, I find myself (and my dolls) sorely in need of an action stand.

You’ve all seen doll stands. They look something like this:

and they hold the doll, upright, around the waist or the legs. Which is great, if your doll is just standing there. But, not so great, if she’s mid-fall, like this

I ended up kind of pinning her dress around the stand to get her to hold still in this posture. Even something simple, like bending forward to retrieve a photo, like this

Daisy retrieves the photo

is surprisingly difficult to accomplish. And forget getting three dolls in a sideways dance pose, like this:


I had to lie them flat on the floor, and then photoshop the background in.

So, imagine my surprise at the ease with which a simple Japanese action figure can leap into action on her stand:

It’s very simple. The stand had a rod at the top

which inserts into a hole at the back of the figure:

The figure can be turned in any direction on the rod, and the stand can extend and bend.

It all seems very simple. There are some shortcomings to the stand – I would prefer that I could tighten it in certain positions because there are some positions it simply can’t hold on its own. And I wish the base were heavier so that it didn’t tip if I move the figure too far over the edge.

But, really, those are small considerations for something that lets your dolls leap, dance, and fly. An adventure doll needs an adventure stand.

Speaking of adventure, next week it’s time to continue from Camellia’s storm at sea.


Please see the Credits page for a list of credits of the dolls and other items in these posts.

