You know your miniature world building has gone wrong when most of it is done in front of a computer. I don’t know about other miniature world builders, but for me much of the delight is peering into their tiny worlds, or glancing up and seeing them mid-action in their tiny world.

But, once I got frozen and then boiled out of my garage workspace, the quality of my world building has plummeted until now I’m pretty much just tossing dolls down on the desk to photograph them and then photoshopping them into something more suitable.

That’s ended up making my home much less magical. There’s a lot more magic in glancing over and seeing this setup in my dining/doll room:

than there is in this:

Or in this magical space

contrasted to this table top

Sometimes, of course, I have no options. There simply is no way I’m going to capture this

in my dining room.

But much of it is just sheer laziness on my part. I mean, could I really not have made this photograph using real world props?

Spotting a cafe, Winston casts a hungry eye at a table

Heck, I might even have gotten the scale and angle right.

My next episode is the second “In the Picture” episode, so I actually have to do photoshopping to get my dolls into the pictures. But, I’m trying to make their real world space more . . . well . . . real. We’ll see how that goes