Big adventures in a small world

Author smalllifestories_0jjajj

My terrible, horrible, no good, very bad photo shoot

The good news: Everything turned out OK (but not great) in the end. The bad news: I’ve never had more trouble doing a photo shoot Last week’s shoot with Camellia gave me a ton of false confidence about my ability… Continue Reading →

My Doll Adventure 22 – Rosie and her bird adventure, part 1

Frank takes Rosie to a park to look at clouds and help her feel better after  Daisy’s departure.

Rearranging an Island, or how I moved Camellia to a smaller set

As part of moving every object in my house to a new location, I had to move Camellia’s set. Here’s the old set, on top of one of my workshop tables And here’s the new set, in the wire bookcase… Continue Reading →

My Doll Adventure 21: Camellia and the gift

Camellia has successfully brought the half-drowned dog back to health, but, worrying that the nights are too cold for him, starts to build a shelter.

What I’m working on/thinking about

And  these last few weeks, it’s been much more thinking than working 🙂 My Doll Adventure: At 20 episodes, we’re about halfway through the story. These last weeks I’ve brought the stories together, which means that they need to mesh… Continue Reading →

Moving day

Without moving to a new home, I seem to have set off a cascade of smaller changes which resulted in every single object in my home being moved to another location within my home. Add to that that this morning… Continue Reading →

Ester, my tiny tamer

The third member of my Underfoot cast arrived this week. She is Ester, from Maskcat dolls. In size, at 21cm she stands slightly taller than Buu (19cm). In shape, she’s most similar to the slender Rosie (who’s about 2cm taller)…. Continue Reading →

Playing Camellia’s husband: The thankless task of a male doll in doll adventure land

My husband asked me the other day what Camellia’s husband’s backstory was. “Backstory?” I thought awhile. “He doesn’t even have a name.”

No dolls were injured in the making of these adventures

It’s been a traumatic few weeks here in doll adventure land: Rosie in tears, Camellia and young Daisy being assaulted, and Lily collapsed in horror. Fortunately, it’s just a story, and right now the dolls are relaxing happily between takes.

My Doll Adventure 20 – Lily paints disturbing images

Lily holds the letter she received from her son-in-law in the last episode . . . and again begins to paint. Exhausted, she collapses against the easel

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