Big adventures in a small world

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In Scene: Plotting out the final storyline

Strawberry (now Fern) threw all of my plans into disorder. I was going to have four un-related 1/4th scale dolls hanging out in a treehouse. Then I fell in love with this somewhere-between-1/6th-and-1/4th-scale doll, who fit so well with two… Continue Reading →

My Doll Adventure 32 – Rosie solves it all

As we catch up to Rosie, after her last episode when she found that Fetch had stored away all of her dream objects in her cupboard, she appears to be . . . well . . . dragging a big… Continue Reading →

Turning a photographic novel into a graphic novel

Looks like I’m playing around with the second version again, while I’m supposed to be finishing the first 🙂 But I had an idea I wanted to see the adventure in more of a graphic form. Fortunately, Photoshop (and, in… Continue Reading →

Rosie is the brains of the adventure

And, we’re back. Lovely week off seeing my family, dancing at a wedding, and all-in-all having a great time. We’re to the point in the plot where everyone-who-isn’t-Camellia shares a single episode. In the one I’m working on now, Lily… Continue Reading →

My Doll Adventure 31: Rosie’s Pirate Adventure, part 2

In her last episode, Rosie was carted off by pirates. In this episode, she finds herself being carried through a jungle: And brought before the queen: from whom she receives a map: Afterwards, the pirates dump Rosie back in her… Continue Reading →

An odd day

An odd day here in doll adventure land. I started the day getting laid off, and ended it driving a dead possum up to Vancouver, WA. And still, in-between, I managed to work up a few Rosie dreamland shots. Here’s… Continue Reading →

We’re heading towards the finish line, here, with the conclusion of Rosie’s final dream adventure. After that, it’s just a hop skip and a jump away from the conclusion of my year-long adventure. For Rosie, apparently the pirates have taken… Continue Reading →

My Doll Adventure 30: Kissing the children goodbye

Sitting by a waterfall, Camellia recalls the night when she parted from her daughters Holding the note she’s just written, she tries to comfort Daisy Then tears a photo in half, and hands half of it to Daisy And reaches… Continue Reading →

The freedom to change one’s mind

If there’s one thing I was certain of on Friday, it was that I was going to take a year off from reworking the My Doll Adventure series once I’d wrapped up the first draft. Naturally, the first thing I… Continue Reading →

Underfoot 02: A night in the shop

After being turned away from the hotel in their last episode, Jinjur and Buu take to the streets to find some place to stay the night. But the big world is not a safe place for little things Looking for… Continue Reading →

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