Go here to read this episode: MDA 06: Rosie’s doll adventure, part 1

First, great news! I managed to reattach the head of the severed-head doll so that she can star in this adventure as Rosie’s doll self. More about that in Wednesday’s post. Many thanks to Dovile from DovileDollart for creating an absolutely lovely doll.

Second, I am amused to no end at the idea of a doll turning into a doll. My (oh my god so patient) husband seriously considered my quandary of whether to make one of Rosie’s dolls “real” or to turn Rosie into a doll. And he never laughed, even once. In the end, I turned Rosie into a doll. But, more on that on Wednesday.

I’ll write a bit about creating Rosie’s room on Friday. It’s still not really held together, but it’s real enough for Rosie and far more satisfying then posing poor Rosie on a floor tile in the photo cube.

You might wonder who that is under the top hat. He’ll be back in some of Rosie’s other stories, and his relationship will become clear then. But, the doll itself is based on James Franco in Oz, and I bought him just to get the tiny China doll that appears on the floor in the photo above. Once I took him out of his tophat and tails and put him in a nice turtleneck, he looked very sweet, so I let him join the cast.

Adding a male doll (even as an accessory, as in this case) is big news in doll land, which is almost entirely female with the exception of this doll and Generic Bob. I’m sure there’s lots of psychological depths one could plumb on this topic, but I’m going to stick to the story that girl dolls are just cuter :).