
I was worried all week that the pieces of this episode wouldn’t come together – right up until the last few days, I didn’t actually have a plot – but, in the end, I’m pretty happy with how everything turned out. My one remaining concern is that this is an awfully truncated version of a story. If I’d had this plot in my original doll adventure, it would have dragged on across many episodes. And, there’s a cost to this truncation – the whole thing plays out before you really have a chance to get involved.

OTOH, I didn’t feel like I had anything to add beyond the plot. I *could* have played up the rescue scene, so that it wasn’t clear until the end whether they’d get away. But, really, I know things turn out well – why put everyone through all that trouble 🙂


This is the episode where I painted (using photoshop) the background photos. For the characters, I just put them through a simple Photoshop filter to make them look more like drawings, so they’d fit in with the background. I like the painted effect, and will probably use it in other stories when characters leave the real world (as they so often seem to do, in my stories.)


I really love how different the three main characters’ faces are in this series. The big guy is all angles, the pixie is all eyes, and the kid just looks like a kid. The dolls in my other series all share some kind of family resemblance. These three look like they come from different worlds.

Next up is the Underfoot episode, where I’m thinking of moving them under my bed. We’ll see whether that photographs well 🙂