Big adventures in a small world

Category Dollhouse

Daisy’s room ‘o foam ‘n photoshop

The impermanence of Daisy’s current life is written all over her room. Where Rosie has metal and wooden furniture filled with bits of her life, Daisy’s space is all flimsy foam furniture and empty cupboards. The most obviously flimsy part… Continue Reading →

My Doll Adventure 07: Daisy and the mysterious photos

The central mystery of this doll adventure unfolds as Daisy returns from her photo shoot and begins printing photos and paging through her photo album.

Helpful resources for the doll adventurer

I suspect that the “right” learning tool is specific to each person, but here are some learning resources I’ve found helpful. Photography: There’s a great series of courses on Coursera from Michigan State University. They’re intelligent, interesting, and complete enough… Continue Reading →

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