Big adventures in a small world

Category roombox

Creating 1/4 scale flooring for $4

After going round in circles for while figuring out how to make a realistic-looking treehouse floor, I finally stumbled on something that seems to be working. For something to work for me, it needs to be: Easy Cheap Realistic-looking I’d… Continue Reading →

Rosie is the brains of the adventure

And, we’re back. Lovely week off seeing my family, dancing at a wedding, and all-in-all having a great time. We’re to the point in the plot where everyone-who-isn’t-Camellia shares a single episode. In the one I’m working on now, Lily… Continue Reading →

Daisy’s room ‘o foam ‘n photoshop

The impermanence of Daisy’s current life is written all over her room. Where Rosie has metal and wooden furniture filled with bits of her life, Daisy’s space is all flimsy foam furniture and empty cupboards. The most obviously flimsy part… Continue Reading →

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