Big adventures in a small world

Category Writing

Photo Stories then and now: Comparing Among the Flowers episodes over the years

At almost two years into learning to create photo stories, and reshooting the Among the Flowers storyline, I can start to see what I’ve learned over these years. It started with Camellia’s episode, which launched the series. Although I left… Continue Reading →

(Doll) character development

I entered doll adventure land through a side door – somewhere between play and play therapy – so many of the building blocks of photography, miniatures, and writing are unfamiliar to me. Because I could see their effects in every… Continue Reading →

Plotting the central mystery

I’ve ripped out and completely redone the central mystery at least 20 times. Maybe more. Here’s the problem. Daisy is a young woman who knows that there is some mystery in her background. The premise of the story is that… Continue Reading →

Bringing an older female character to life

Fashion dolls have an odd lifespan. They spring into being as teenagers, and seemingly all die out by their early 20s. In this world, the elderly Lily is an anomaly. Continue reading at

A sense of place

It turns out, from my cursory research, that the Isla la Tortuga is one of the few uninhabited tropical islands where my Camellia character can have her adventure. Tropical? Check (unlike just about any land mass off the US or… Continue Reading →

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