Dolls in danger as Camellia’s story continues, after her storm at sea.
So, Camellia has landed safely on shore and continues to draw things towards her – a raven and a panther so far have entered her orbit.
I’ll talk a bit Wednesday about adding movement to these photos. I realize, on seeing the photos on the page, that the movement in the second photo is so subtle that I suspect no one but me noticed it. Let me know if you noticed that there was a second photo with movement before I pointed it out.
On Friday, I’ll show you around Camellia’s set.
As an aside, I find Camellia’s space very peaceful. It’s sprawled across one of my work tables in my garage workspace and, every time I glance at it, I just want to shrink myself down and rest against the rocks with my feet in the sand.
Please see the Credits page for a list of credits of the dolls and other items in these posts.