At the end of Camellia’s last episode, she had encountered a stranger on the island and, together, they began working on a hut.
This week they continue working on the hut, and Camellia tells about her escape.
Camellia and Moana travel to a remote part of the island to gather fibers for the hut.
Around the fire that night . . .
. . . Camellia continues the story of her escape.
Once she’s out to sea, she drops her gown and Daisy’s teddybear into the ocean
Where the tides will eventually carry them to the shore.
I struggled a good deal with this bit of the story – how does Cado realize that Camellia has gone by rowboat, and what leads him to believe that she’s taken the children with her? Unless he sees her leave, the only thing I could think of was that something identifiable is left on or washes up on the shore.
Once I decided that she’d drop the items overboard to be washed up on the shore, I made Camellia responsible for whatever repercussions that caused. And we’ve already seen, in Cado’s story, what those repercussions are.
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