Sitting by a waterfall, Camellia recalls the night when she parted from her daughters
Holding the note she’s just written, she tries to comfort Daisy
Then tears a photo in half, and hands half of it to Daisy
And reaches into the crib to kiss Rosie goodbye
Even with an impulsive day off from posting to the blog this week and a late posting today, I still didn’t manage to get all of the pictures taken for this episode. There was supposed to be handoff of the note from Camellia to the stranger. Oh well, I guess we can assume it got to her, since we saw her with it in the previous episode.
Also, some day I have to get an infant doll. Poor Rosie hardly makes it into any scenes, since I don’t have a doll small enough to pass for her.
June 9, 2017 at 1:43 pm
The pictures you have taken are absolutely lovely! I’ve struggled to find infant dolls that I like but I finally managed on eBay to get two super cute and unique infants. I’ve used a Simba Steffi Love infant for a while now and I’m not sure how easy they are to come by in the USA. I know how much you like unique dolls, though, and they look fairly generic.
June 9, 2017 at 1:44 pm
PS I’m not sure if non-doll photographers know how time consuming it is to set up each shot, but I certainly do and I know what you have managed is a huge amount of work – but the payoff is fantastic!
June 9, 2017 at 2:07 pm
Thanks for the tip on the baby doll. It doesn’t have to have a realistic face, just a baby-like form and size. And total agreement on how hard it is to take shots. You’d think that photographing inanimate objects would be the easiest thing in the world – far easier than squirming kids. But the squirming kids don’t tip over (usually 🙂 and knock each other down.