After building a rough platform in their last episode, Fern and Olive are finishing off the floor of the treehouse.
Well, maybe Fern is doing most of the work.
When it’s all done, they relax and admire their work.
Then Willow puts on a record . . .
. . . and everybody dances.
All three sisters decide to spend the night in the treehouse.
I loved every part of working on this episode, from the sweet vibe between the siblings, to being able to totally forget about developing a plot and really focus on the moments.
I tried to get real moonlight for the two nighttime shots, but it’s been extra especially hazy up here in Portland and the quality of the light just wasn’t all that great. So I relied on the toy lantern and a long exposure for the first shot (with the sisters awake), and I rigged up a small flashlight on a microphone stand for the second one (with only the dog still awake).
We’ve got one more week in the trees, where I’ll try to complete the treehouse structure. Then I have to catch back up with the Mia Fiorello story. Surely they’ve made it to the island by now . . .
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