Looks like I’m playing around with the second version again, while I’m supposed to be finishing the first 🙂
But I had an idea I wanted to see the adventure in more of a graphic form. Fortunately, Photoshop (and, in this case, Photoshop Elements) has some cool filters for quickly transforming photos into sketches and paintings.
Here is the original of the last panel of Camellia’s open ocean episode:
You can make some changes with Photoshop, but I find it more difficult to navigate for this kind of thing, and its painting filters are pretty limited. So, instead, I mostly use PhotoshopElements. Open the photo in Expert mode, and click on the FX tab. You’ll see a list of 50 or so filters. Here are the effects of the ones that turn the photo into a graphic:
Oil painting
Oil pastel
Pencil sketch
I ended up really liking the second one – the Oil Pastel filter. It retains the detail of the original, but gives it a kind of dreamy quality.
I don’t think I’ll turn the whole novel into a painting, but it’s possible that I’ll play around with Camellia’s early episodes.
June 28, 2017 at 11:42 pm
I like the oil pastel as well. Have you tried “posterise” in Photoshop? It gives a really interesting effect and you can control the degree of posterisation as well. It’s one I really like.
June 29, 2017 at 6:47 am
Oh, I hadn’t seen that. I’ll give it a try.